Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Path

These photos of paths were taken by my talented husband. The first photo shows a mountain bike and hiking trail near Tahoe and the second is a path near the Merced River.
Did you notice that the first path is hard to discern, and is over rocky ground, while the second photo shows a nicely marked path over a gentle slope? 
You can not see the beginning of the path, or where it ends.
This reminds me of our journey in life, and how each step moves us along and is important. Sometimes we are lost and on dangerous rocky ground with no idea of the way ahead, and other times we walk safely along a clear smooth path.
Looking at these paths reminds me of a book that I often return to, "Pathway to the Heart of God", edited by Terry W. Glaspey. He includes prayers by great Christian writers that always touch my heart.
Here is one he includes:
"Pray the largest prayers. You cannot think a prayer so large that God, in answering it, will not wish you had made it larger. Pray not for crutches but for wings." By Philips Brooks.
"Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray." James 5:13
Do you pray? I imagine some of you, my blog friends, don't pray but for me it is part of daily life.
One prayer practice I have done every day for a year is to say a prayer of thanks before I get up in the morning. If I don't pray while still in bed, I could easily get so busy the prayer would be pushed aside.
I thank God in my early morning prayer for something specific and boy, does this set a good tone to my day.
Do you have a prayer practice you want to share here?


  1. Whenever I pray I always start with heartfelt thankfulness ....
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  2. Great post. I keep prayer lists with me. During the day I can turn to my written list and offer prayer for intentions that I want to remember.

  3. Beautiful pictures that give a good reminder about life! Those are some good words on prayer.

  4. I pray each and every day, sometimes several times a day, not just for myself,but for family and friends, even strangers who have crossed my "path". Beautiful post and great photos. xo

  5. Ah, no better way to start and end the day!
    Just a moment of consciousness, of counting one's blessing, of appreciation, will go a long way in setting the right mood.

  6. Terra,
    Thank you for the most inspiring reminder. Yes, bedtime is the best time for me too!
    Love the photos your hubby took!

  7. I do pray. It's an ongoing dialoque with God. I find it's a good idea, and humbling, to stay connected to something bigger than yourself.
    I like the idea of a thankfulness prayer in the morning. Kind of gets you going in the right direction. We all need that.
    Lovely photos

  8. Wonderful post, Terra. Thank you.

  9. Beautiful photos you two have shared with us and yes, life takes us on many different paths. I pray early each morning to thank the Lord for our home, safety, warmth, food and water. So many folks are without currently. Then as I go through my day, I pray for blog friends and family as I become aware of specific prayer requests.
    Wishing you many blessings this weekend, Terra.

  10. Those ARE amazing
    photos. I, too, always
    start the day with a
    prayer of gratitude,
    before I get up. I love
    the first prayer about
    praying BIG!

    xx Suzanne

  11. Great photos!! I love pictures of paths - so full of possibilities and wonderings :)

  12. I must admit that lately I have had a hard time praying! So please pray for me that I find it easier and feel God's really hearing my prayers.

    Beautiful post!

  13. Beautiful post Terra! I can't think of a better way to start the day.

  14. I try to remember to thank God everyday for each and every blessing that He has given me. I love your photos. Such beauty.


  15. You do have a wonderful husband who can take great pictures. sandie

  16. I enjoy reading all of your comments, and Gayle, I am praying that your prayer life becomes easier and that you will know that God is listening. I believe He listens to ALL prayers and answers us, although sometimes the answer is not what we prefer. He is very near to you, dear blog friend.

  17. I end my day with a prayer of gratitude for another safe day for my children.
    lovely post

  18. I like the trail metaphor for our everyday life. It is definitely true. Great post!

  19. The blues in that first photo are stunning. Interesting thoughts on prayer.

  20. I usually send up prayers of thankfulness more than once a day and certainly when I lay my head on my pillow each and every night. Otherwise my prayers are mostly for safety, for healing, sometimes forgiveness. Thanks for the birthday greeting. Wishing you a wonderful week. Tammy

  21. Hi honey
    I don't know how I could get through my day without prayer. It is a very important part of my life.
    Enjoyed this post very much

  22. I love the way you related the paths to our faith walk. Very true. I also loved the part about not praying for crutches but for wings.

  23. I am having a Pillowcase Giveaway ! !
    Stop By before 3/10 & leave a comment...
    Have a Great Day!!

  24. Beautiful scenery in these pictures! Thanks for commenting on my Grumpy post ;) That comment came through as it should, anyway!

  25. I can't imagine getting through a day without praying. I "talk" to God all day long. : )

    When I walk out my door each morning and go for my walk I have a little prayer I say.

    Thank You God
    For this day.
    Walk with me along my way.
    Help me be a better person today.

  26. I always pray at least one prayer of thanksgiving every day...a prayer that doesn't ask for anything, just to say thank you! My other prayer is to list everyone I can think of! Prayer is powerful! ♥

  27. Oh, yes! I do the same thing - pray in bed before even stepping out of it - though probably not so consistently as I'd like. But, then, I'm sneaking conversation and reading in throughout my day - if not - how would I get on???

    Stunning sky in that first photo!!!


  28. Beautiful photos and post regarding our path of faith and prayer. I stive to follow Paul's direction, "Prayer at all time" with first offerig my day to Jeasus in prayer. Some days are better than others :o)
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie
    P.S. Thanks for stopping by Queenie's wee blog and following. I was having a hard time with yesterday's post and font color. Still working on my bloggy learning curve.

  29. Beautiful pictures, love how you write.
    Please visit my blog as well and might like to join as i will follow you.
    Have a wonderful day
    My Blogspot

  30. wonderful photos and beautiful prayers. I love starting and ending my day with the Lord! What a blessing that is so freely given!

  31. I pray every morning in the shower.

    The first photo scares me - I'm afraid of falling from a height. The second photo shows my favorite kind of path.

    In life, rocky is okay from time to time.

  32. The first photo is gorgeous - - good spiritual teaching applied.

  33. Gorgeous! That's such a beautiful area of the country. Great post.
