Monday, May 23, 2011

Tree of heaven

Tree of heaven
Originally uploaded by Lohb

A B C's in Green
The trees are God's great alphabet;
With them He writes in shining green
Across the world His thoughts serene.

He scribbles poems across the sky
With a gay, leafy lettering,
For us and for our bettering.

The wind pulls softly at His page,
And every star and bird
Repeats in dutiful delight His word,
And every blade of grass
Flutters to class.

Like a slow child that does not heed,
I stand at summer's knees,
And from the primer of the wood
I spell that life and love are good,
I learn to read.
poem by Leonora Speyer


  1. Lovely poem Terra and so true. Each year I wait for the first glimmer of a shoot rising through the soil as it gives a much needed boost to my heart after a long hard winter.
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a kind comment about my painting. I had titled it " A Little Bird Told Her" and I guess it is up to the viewer to decide what she has been told.
    Take care and have a wonderful evening!
    Tina xo

  2. Terra, this is just beautiful.
    Have a lovely week ~
    TTFN ~

  3. Hi there, I do miss our California trees that are simply beautiful but I'm hoping to add a few more here in Colorado. What a great poem-simply perfect.
    Have a delightful week.
    Hugs, Noreen

  4. What a lovely poem. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Ha Nature! Inspiration to the poet. The loveliness of trees teaching children to read.
    I love it....

  6. That was so uplifting. Did you know there is a tree called the Tree of Heaven? I think it is the Ailanthus tree. I'll check and let you know. Love Sparkles

  7. This is lovely Terra.
    Trees are God 's unique sculptues - natural. I like to photograph them

  8. Very pretty poem and very creative too!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  9. What a sweet poem. Thank you for sharing these lovely words so that we can also "learn to read" what God has written.

  10. That is a great poem!

    Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving a comment. God truly did protect us. Quite an interesting night!

    God bless you!

  11. Beautiful poem, Terra.
    Have a sweet weekend! xx

  12. What a great poem, thanks for sharing.
