Faith, family, gardening, my dog. I am a widow, mom, happy Christian and librarian. I love to giggle, the USA and I love what is true.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Daddy loved God, R. Sargent Shriver
Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well
Originally uploaded by Lawrence OP
R . Sargent Shriver, with many accomplishments to his credit, including founding the Peace Corps, died January 18, 2011 at the age of 95, and I treasure the following words that his son Mark, said about him. I hope these same words describe me, and they are an ideal to aim for, that is for sure.
Mark Shriver said about his dad:
"Daddy was joyful 'til the day he died and I think that joy was deeply rooted in his love affair with God. Daddy loved God and God loved him right back. ... Daddy let go. God was in control and oh, what a relationship they had."
Mark said that his dad in his frequent traveling always found a church to attend each morning for daily mass.
Daddy loved God, and God loved him right back.
I think that is a beautiful summary of a life.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Two friends!!
Two friends!!
Originally uploaded by Kup Kup Land
I found this photo on Flickr and think they are cute, and good to illustrate these quotes about friendship.
My friend is not perfect, nor am I, and so we suit each other admirably. -- Alexander Pope
The more we love, the better we are; and the greater our friendships are, the dearer we are to God. --Jeremy Taylor
It is chance that makes brothers, but hearts that make friends. -- E. von Geibel
Friends are so important to me, those I see in person for coffee or lunch, and those I meet here in the blogosphere.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Canna to brighten our day
CANNACEAE - Dwarf Canna Lucifer (Canna x generalis Lucifer)
Originally uploaded by kaiyanwong223
Brrr, so many of my blog friends are posting beautiful photos of snow that to warm up I needed to buy a bright plant for our garden.
We have a long row of red cannas, and a few orange cannas; I don't know their varieties since they are passalong plants, given to us by a neighbor. Cannas add a tropical splash of color to a garden.
But I went to a garden center today and bought a Lucifer canna (2 roots in a package), dug a 4 inch deep hole for each one and planted them in the row with our other cannas. I got a big spring time lift in my spirits for a mere $4 for the package.
Boy they look spectacular on the package photo, with red leaves edged in yellow.
The flowering height for Lucifer Canna is 30 inches. The others I have flower on stalks 3 to 5 feet tall, which is a common height for these beauties.
Cannas grow in all zones in the USA, and in zones 1-3 need to be lifted and stored inside over winter. I am in zone 8 or 9 so they are happy here all year.
They need full sun, and do well as borders or in large tubs on patios or poolside.
Do any of you enjoy growing cannas too?
Friday, January 7, 2011
Bird houses with hearts
I received a Christmas gift two days ago, sent to me by a relative. She was unhappy that the packages arrived late, but I told her that it is like celebrating Christmas again.
Her gift selection was just right for us: two bird houses with hearts on them. I put the larger one in the garden next to the bird bath and hung the smaller one under the eaves of our house.
I hope a little bird family discovers the free apartment under the eaves and moves in.
The bird houses are from Jackson and Perkins, and they are so cute, I think.