Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pretty photo by Amrita

My friend Amrita took this photo of my book and gladioli and tuberoses from her garden, and is letting me post it here.
Her blog is YesuGarden  yesugarden.blogspot.com and she posted about my book, and also photos of a children's church service at her church in India on November 21, 2010. I think you would enjoy a visit to her blog, as I do.


  1. lovely :)

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words.

    I treasure your book really. The Christmas memeories and ideas are so special. Some of the stories made me cry.I remembered my own childhood .

  3. The link is not coming up but the photo is beautiful.
    Love the flowers, in Winter....

  4. The cover of your book is lovely, as is the photograph.

    We I able, I would purchase, and add to your sales.

    I do wish you very good luck with sales.


  5. beautiful pic.
    I'm sure this is an amazing book.
    May God bless you as you continue to write and share.

  6. Lovely picture, lovely flowers, lovely scrabook. :)

  7. Such a pretty book - I admire your creativity! I enjoyed my visit to Amrita's blog...

  8. Love this Terra!

    I'll check out her site.

    All joys to you and your book looks GREAT!

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  9. Hi Terra... thank you so much for visiting me at my blog... yours is beautiful! Your books sounds wonderful, and I love the blue tree in the previous post!... xoxo Julie Marie

  10. I'm off to visit Amrita's blog and I love the cover of your book. The mention of tuberoses....we had some a few years ago and the hummingbirds loved them! I wish you much success and a Merry Christmas.
