Thursday, September 9, 2010

Skunk visitor

Skunk 02
Originally uploaded by StarWatcher307

Don't scare the skunk, please. No sudden movements or sneezing when the skunk family visits our back patio.
They are so pretty. One very large skunk visits and two small young ones, and they enjoy cat food.
The skunks live in our wild thicket of blackberries, we guess. Our house is in town and our back garden is wild and beckons songbirds and all kinds of God's critters.
Do you have any skunk visitors at your house?


  1. They really are pretty, but oh, that smell!
    We have no regular skunks visiting us, thank goodness!

  2. Beautiful little skunk. No skunks here but we do have an opossum now and then, they love cat food too. Hugs

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog Terra. It's taken me awhile to get away from the magazines and on the computer. I've started to read your lovely site and will be sure to check in with you again. The skunk was cute. Donnie

  4. I always thought they were so pretty! Can't say that any have every shown up in my yard. Lots in Montana though! :)

  5. No we haven't had any here at this house. However we have every other creature around us. We have never been skunked thank God.

  6. NO!!!! although I heard of one in the neighborhood, but it must have been a lost pet one...glad you enjoy them....I will too, from afar!!

  7. No skunks here...It would be a good idea with our doggies! Phew!
    Deb :)

  8. Oh I think they are so pretty too...haven't had any skunk visits (that I know of) but did have a big racoon come right up to the French doors and look in at me.

  9. Oh that 's nice , visitors from the wild.

    We have mongoose, all sorts of birds, water herons, civet cats as vistors.Un wanted snakes too.

  10. We have many a nights that we can tell our nocturnal neighbors are visiting..... p-u ! ! They visit the seeds that fall from the bird feeders!!
    Oh well, I guess everyone has to eat.
    Have a Wonderful Day!

  11. Terra you are blessed to have your own Skunk family. I love to watch the babies tummies fill up as theye at cat food and watermelons.

  12. Oh baby, we had a whole clan livin' under our house last summer. I had a heap of blog-fodder with all our skunkapades 'round the Ponderosa. This year it's been the armadillos invading my flower gardens.

    Have a blessed weekend and whatever ya do do not upset Peppy!!!!

  13. I am happy to say that a skunk is one of the few animals we do not have!

  14. No skunk visitors, but every once in a while we can smell one that's been around pretty close.

    It's raining, I just hope it rains slowly all afternoon, we sure do need it badly.

  15. We had skunks visit fairly often when we were kids, not too many where we live now though. They are beautiful creatures. :)

  16. G'eve Terra ~ I'll pass & enjoy just your visitors. We had one in our front year

    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon last year that was GIGANTIC.

  17. Hi, Terra,
    I am with you on not disturbing the skunk family. Yes, I have had skunks visit my backyard along with a gray wolf, raccoons, an armadillo, an opposum and various birds. Hope you have a lovely week, my friend! Love and blessings~Vicki

  18. Had a skunk get into our garage one Halloween eve several years ago. The Herbal Husband had left the garage door open when he came home from work. Went down at Midnight and closed it without looking. The skunk was desperate to get out all night. Got into a 50 lb. bag of bird seed. Slept most of the day. Neighbor came over to "help". The skunk moved out and back under the grill. Never sprayed. Woke up just as it was getting dark and left. The garage door never went down so fast!
