Saturday, June 12, 2010

Irish blessing and which old cards to keep

May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.
   Old Irish Blessing
This is from a birthday card sent to me in 1995 by my uncle Leroy. I am going through old cards and letters and weeding them. Yes, 1995. I keep too many family letters and cards! Do any of you, my blog buddies, do that too? It feels good to weed and lighten papers and possessions.
I treasure and will keep forever the last letters my mom wrote to me, in 1971, the year she went to heaven. Her letters overflowed with wisdom and love.
Two of my blogging friends have blogs where they show old postcards and cards, which are so pretty and full of charm. This makes it hard to decide what to discard and what to keep "forever." I am in the middle on this, I keep a fair amount and discard plenty.
Where are you on this "keep or toss" spectrum?


  1. Love the blessing! I toss. Too much clutter if we try to keep all the stuff we produce. I say, photograph, store digitally, and toss. Unless, these are one of a kind, and one needs the original, such as birth certificates, diplomas, awards, love letters. Oops, see?

  2. Yes, I have to do that more too. I have gone thru some bereavement cards tossed some after appreciating the sentiments. Never toss cards from your kids, as they love to read what they write you later in life, or from your spouse, and then I try to be selective with my parents cards . I used to keep Christmas cards, but have of late, discarded most after the holidays. Have to clean up this place !!! thanks, Gina

  3. Terra..scan them and put them on a CD to sell. Everybody is doing it!!

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  4. Hi there,
    Ok for what its worth, I keep them. I have a special box I keep all of them in and I love going back to see them all over again from time to time...
    Just my two cents worth!

  5. I think I'm in the middle too. I love that blessing!

  6. Dear Terra, This is always so difficult. Certain things from certain people are kept whilst much else is discarded. Possibly it depends on the mood of the moment.

  7. I've moved so many times. The last few moves forced me to discard so much! I keep the most personally meaningful items. Usually items tied to "hoomans".

    Many of my material items are gone and finally realize I could have lived without ever having them in the first place.

    My memories are most precious.


  8. Hi, Terra,
    I am just like you. I have a hard time tossing cards and letters from family and friends. I can weed out other things but for some reason, I keep cards, letters. I love your Irish blessing. Thanks for sharing it with us today. Enjoy your weekend, dear friend. Love and blessings always~ Vicki

  9. Terra, after losing my family in a very short span of time, I now wish (seriously LONG FOR) I had kept more of the letters and cards. I know it's paper. I know it is not *the person*.
    But there are days when it would be so nice to pick one up and have the same feeling I did when I got it, or when one of my parents received the mail.
    I know that is overly sentimental, but that's just my little view.....
    Ultimately, you have to decide.


  10. I keep thank you cards because they seem to have a sweet sentiment, are usually hand written and I figure that some day when I am gone it will tell something about my life.

  11. I know that I keep too many. It isn't easy weeding through them.

  12. It doesn't have to be now or never. Sort them and throw some out that you don't have a real attachment to. Then, at some later date, do it again. Keep them somewhere safe, in a pretty box or basket. When you feel like sorting through them again, do it. Maybe there will be more that you can toss.
    Love the Irish blessing...

  13. I tend to keep things, probably more than I should Terra. I love that Irish prayer, it rounds up everything so well!

  14. Very nice poem. I haven't really saved cards over the years.. but as I am getting older, I wish I had. Now I try to save the ones that have a special meaning to me.
    Have a blessed day~

  15. Some I keep some I keep awhile then toss them and others I toss soon after receiving them. I was going through cards and letters the other day and found a very old letter from my sister, I am thankful I kept it. There is just no way I can keep them all. The ones I am holding on to are in with all the family genealogy. Hugs

  16. It's hard to know what to keep and what to part with. I think because I love words. They touch my heart. Sometimes they even heal my heart. I keep too much probably, but I find joy in looking back. I pitch cards without a personal note.

    Wishing you wisdom as you look through those memories of the past.

  17. Oh I think that I throw out about 60% and keep about 40%. I like keeping cards that people wrote something personal inside :-)

  18. Hey Terra, thanks for visiting my blog. I always love new blog friends.

    That is a great Irish saying. I have saved all the totally gorgeous valentines day cards I received as a little girl from my granmother.
    Valentines cards are to this favorite.

  19. I do keep old cards/letters for a while... then I decide which ones to really keep (from my family members) and which ones to recycle into something else (holiday cards made into tree decorations, etc) or pitch in the trash. I have found that time often works in my favor when it comes down to decisions to get rid of something. I keep things from my children in their special treasure box. I keep all cards from my husband tied in a ribbon.
