Thursday, April 22, 2010

This Coffee's For the Birds and Earth Day

The name of the first article I had published is "This Coffee Is For the Birds", way back in 1999.
What is this all about? Well, when you buy organic or shade grown coffee you are helping the environment and in particular, the song birds in your garden.
The coffee in the photo is sold by

Many song birds migrate south for the winter to South America or Africa, and this is where coffee is grown. The older way of growing the coffee plants is bird friendly, while mass produced coffee plantations are harsh on the environment. Organic coffee plants grow in shade provided by native trees, which makes a richer habitat for birds and animals.
Gigantic coffee plantations provide no tree or bush cover for song birds and other wildlife, and the huge plantations use a lot of harmful chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides!
My husband and I purchase organic or shade grown coffee beans. They may cost a bit more but we love our planet and we love our birds.
Natural food stores, your local grocery chain, Costco, and online stores like Audubon, will sell you organic coffee, and also organic tea! My husband and I found large bags of organic coffee beans at Costco that are very inexpensive.


  1. A blog post I just read said that 'earth' day is the day that God created the earth! Cool, huh?

    I have never tried organic coffee. I'm def going to try it!

  2. Thanks for your earth day message and for the coffee tip.

  3. Thanks for your earth day message and the coffee tip.

  4. Hi Friends,
    Deborah Ann, I love the quote about earth day being the day that God created the earth, and Lisa thanks for your kind comment.
    BTW I have no connection to the coffee company I linked to, I just like them!
    And some of you are two steps ahead of me in the organic coffee knowledge department, I am sure :)

  5. I am trying to go organic and never thought about the coffee I drink. I will totally check this out!

  6. What a great tip to pass along as we all do our part to become good stewards of the Earth God has left us with. It is His garden after all, and we should all do our part to help keep it the way God intended it to be.

    If you get a chance, stop by and participate in some of my giveaways, most of them end this weekend! I'd love to have you join!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  7. I don't drink coffee..but if I would be organic. I will pass the info along to others.

    Sorry my postings have not been grandbaby and all.I should be heading back home soon! yeah.

    Visit with ya later..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  8. Sweet post! Oh and I use to have a Hedgehog! We named him Hedgie! He was a sweetie! Have a wonderful week Terra! ~Maryjane
