Friday, March 5, 2010

Funny Friday, Mercy Me

I love this book cover and hope it makes you smile too.
I have wanted to read this book, Mercy Me, and feel very wealthy, since I ordered a copy and it is on its way here.
Reviewers say it is funny, and you know we can all use more laughs.
I don't even have the book yet, but had to share the cute cover photo, and I will post a review when I have read it. Apparently the author, Margaret A. Graham, pokes fun at church ladies in a good natured way while she also shows that when you need help, call a church lady!
If you have read it, let us know if you like it in a comment, pretty please.


  1. Dear Terra, No, I do not know this book but was also much amused by the cover. I also think that the contents will make for a very good read. I shall search it out.

  2. I haven't read it, but I like the cover too.

  3. I haven't read it either - but that's a great cover :) Enjoy!

  4. Hi Terra ~ ty so much for stopping by ~ just the title alone makes me want to read the contents!
    Just love that humble face~
    Nancy & Angus

  5. Hi Terra, I have not seen that book either. I have two. The Help and Shadow Tag I am just getting into. I am going to put that on my list. Thanks for sharing. It is a cute cover. Blessings

  6. thats true, it sounds funny, I just read the review of the book, and Esmeralda's character is not only funny but quite descriptively naughty and ofcourse likeable. once you get it in your hands make sure you share some laughs from the book with us!

    lots of love Naqvee

  7. Oh it looks wonderful... this book I will judge by it's cover. I would so like to read it...will put it on my list! Thanks for your sweet words the other day. xo

  8. sounds so funny, and the cover photo
    looks just like me, a church lady! :)

  9. that author is in such big trouble
    for taking my picture without
    my permission!! :)

  10. Howdy Terra
    This is an awsome post !
    I have not read this yet ,but will put it on my list :)
    Thank you for sharing .
    I love the cover it is so sweet and filled with fun .
    It is a good rule in life not to take yourself too serious at times .
    Big Hugs from Texas
    Happy Trails

  11. I just popped by to say hello and to thank you for your lovely comment! I haven't read that book but it does look amusing - I might give it a go!! I love to read a Christian novel - more Christian chic lit!! they are unfailingly uplifting.
    Thank you.

  12. I have not read it, but I will take a look at it the next time I am at the bookstore.
