Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cineraria is so Pretty

Originally uploaded by brewbooks

I mentioned here that I planted a cineraria in the little garden I created in honor of my cat, and someone told me they had not heard of cineraria, so I am posting a photo here.
Isn't it cheerful? It likes shade and semi-shade and I have a lot of shade and the plants reach about 18 inches tall, with a nice rounded form.
There are lots of colors available including rose. I am so happy with my one plant that I plan to buy several more in different colors for shady areas.
I hope you enjoy cineraria too.


  1. Dear Terra, Thisis delightful and such a lovely shade of blue. Thank you for posting it.

  2. Terra,

    This looks so beautiful and inviting. It feels like its beckoning me to sit awhile and rest!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. Hi Terra! I also never heard about this plant. First, I thought it looked like a primula, but of course, they are different. It's very pretty, and the fact that it likes shade makes it more valuable.

  4. Very pretty. I can never remember the names of flowers so I'm going to write this down in a file! Then I'll have to see if it's hardy enough to survive our weather up here.

  5. They look fabulous - I wish things like that would grow on this side of the world :0)

  6. LOVE cineraria ... beautiful picture! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Wonderful to meet you!

  7. Oh, that is a beauty. It wouldn't work well in my gardens but sure wish it would.

    Have a great eve ...
    Hugs, Marydon

  8. Love it, it is so beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing!


  9. These are beautiful. I may try to find some here. The backyard is fine, but the front needs some life.

  10. The blue in those blooms is so intense! I love it although I don't think I've ever seen it around here. Will keep my eye open for it.
