Monday, January 11, 2010

Who are your favorite characters in fiction?

Hi All,
Yes, to answer my own question, I do journey with favorite characters from novels, and look forward to their next adventures.
Today I completed reading "Chasing Darkness" by Robert Crais, an excellent mystery author, with his cool heroes of Elvis Cole and Joe Pike. But now I need to wait to learn more about these guys, until Crais writes another mystery with them in it.
I still have for future reading a stand alone book of his, "The Two Minute Rule" and he has the Joe Pike novel for me to read, "The Watchman".  Hey, Elvis Cole, come on back soon.
My newest book is a Christmas gift, "The Winter Queen", written by Russian author Boris Akunin. Who knows, I may like this guy, Fandorin, the protagonist who is a lowly policeman in Moscow in 1876, and who is only nineteen.
Other favorites of mine are Melrose Plant, Amelia Peabody and Dorothy Wetstra.
I know lots of readers love Jane Austen characters.
Do you have a favorite character to share here with us?


  1. My favorite character? It's got to be Myron Bolitar in Harlan Coban novels. Then I like Alex Cross in James Patterson's books. I also like Vince Flynn's Mitch character in his books. I read a LOT, sugar. Every minute spent in a comfy chair is spent reading.

  2. Hi Terra! Thanks for visiting me today! I have never read anything by Robert Crais, but I will keep him in mind at the book and thrift shops! I do like mysteries, but the ones I've read and collected most are by Mary Higgins Clark. From there I tend to skip from biographies, to romance, then back to mysteries again!.. Still, I always like to hear about what strikes another person's fancy, so Robert Crais it is! I look forward to reading what he writes! ~tina

  3. Hi Beansieleigh,
    The first book in the Elvis Cole series is Monkey's Raincoat, by Robert Crais, so look for that one. It is more fun to read them in order, I think.
    Connie, I haven't read Harlan Coban but I will keep him in mind.

  4. Jane Eyre. I've just always had a soft spot in my heart for her!
