Thursday, December 31, 2009

writing magazine articles, any questions?

Hi all,
Did you know that I write articles for magazines? Often my topic is garden related but I do range over any subject I find interesting.
I have also written on prayer walking, visiting botanic gardens, training Karelian Bear Dogs to save Grizzly bears, African American bicycle soldiers in the 1890s, bats, the history of wine, the history of bicycles, rescuing aquarium fish and penguins from New Orleans hurricane, etc.
A friend recently told me that I am a prolific writer of articles, and that took me aback, and I like that way of looking at my writing. I did not think of myself that way.
I told her that I have 3 contracts for articles in 2010 and that I aim to write at least 6 articles for publication in 2010. Can you see I am never satisfied? That is not the ideal way to be!
Are you interested in writing for magazines?
One tip is to submit articles to magazines that you love to read.
If any of you have questions about writing for publication please send them to me and I will answer them as best I can.


  1. Happy New Year Terra!!
    You sure a busy gal and good for you to do what you love and enjoy doing!!!
    Hoping the new year will be wonderful for all!
    Deb :)

  2. Hi Terra,

    Thanks for visiting my blog...I love love gardening and I'm sure will enjoy following your blog now that I have found it! I can't wait till Spring now! Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  3. Hi Terra - thanks for leaving a comment on my blog so I could come find yours. Congrats on having article contracts already. It must be gratifying to see your words in print within a magazine you enjoy. Happy new year - VW

  4. Hello Terra, I love to write but I like to write for specific people, mostly children. I would love to write for children' mags, but don't read any. Good luck with all your goals this year.

  5. Terra...I would so love to read one of your articles. What talent you have my friend. May your 2010 be filled with blessing upon blessing. Thank you for the sweetness you have given me ..your comments mean so much to really are a blessing. xo

  6. I haven't written for magazines, but I'd like to, so I'll be visiting often for more tips.

    Happy New Year!

  7. That's fantastic!

    Happy New Year!!

  8. Hi Terra
    I wish I had your talent for writing.
    Best wishes for 2010.
    Michala x

  9. Congrats on the contracts you already have. Here's to a year of many other opportunities.

    Straight From Hel

  10. I've thought about writing for magazines. I used to write for old fashioned Newsletters for clients, but have never been published in a magazine. It sounds fun, and YES! I have my Christmas decor all put away, except the wreath and skis on the front porch! It feels good too!

    Thank you for visiting!
    Dana and Daisy

  11. Hope you get all six - you will - you have 3 already and the year has just begun! Good Luck.

  12. Thanks for visiting and introducing yourself. I'm a transplant to SheVegas, but it's "home" now. Can't beat living so close to Lake Michigan. I started following your blog and looking forward to keeping in touch. I may be exploring freelance writing in the future (have a PR and marketing career now), so I can't wait to read your wisdom!

    Take care and thanks for introducing yourself!

  13. Thank you for your comment, saying you enjoyed the poem I posted [Soldier On Watch].

    Wishing you a very Happy and Healthy New Year. And wishing you, many published articles. :-)

    Gentle hugs...

  14. And thank you so much for not making us do Word Verification!!!

  15. Thank you Terrra, for your visit and your comment.

    I wish you a very happy and successful New Year. Congratulations on your published articles and may there be many more!


  16. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment. I really enjoy your blog to..lulu

  17. I am pondering writing more for magazines. I have done some articles in the past, and I have a regular column in a state-wide homeschooling publication. But I think I should explore doing more.

    I'd be interested in how you got started and what you recommend for entering the industry in a more organized way.

  18. Hi Terra,

    How exciting and you do have quite a diverse writing range. I wish you the best in reaching your goal of 6, you'll do it!

    Thank you so much for your visit and sweet comment!

    Love and hugs,

  19. Hi Terra, I saw this post on Blotanical and it sure caught my eye. Congrats on your contracts for writing. It must be ever so nice to be paid for doing what you love.

  20. I'd love to submit some of my writing some day. I have submitted one article to several newspapers...but only one accepted so far. Thanks for the tips. Holly

  21. Wow, that is wonderful that you have written so many articles. I would love to write for a magazine. I have written motivational stories in the past for a triathlete website...BUT my writing always had to be edited big time. I'm not a grammer expert by any means!

    I look forward to hearing more about your stories.
    Hope you and yours are having a wonderful new year!


  22. How wonderful to see your words in print! Congrats on the contracts in place for 2010!

  23. That's wonderful, Terra! I have, in the past, had a number of articles published in various magazines and it was always exciting to see my words in print! The best advice I can give to anyone who would like to get published is to not be afraid to submit their work! Best to you in 2010! Enjoy!!!

  24. Hi Terra,

    Thank you for stopping over at my blog and joining the wild ride.

    Have a wonderful New Year, and good luck on reaching your article goal for 2010!
