Monday, December 21, 2009

Season of Hope and How Rich We Are

Hope is the theme of this season.
For many, hope's birth will be celebrated this Christmas, when a small wonder was born in a rude stable in Bethlehem.
I treasure what C.S. Lewis wrote about a stable that was much bigger on the inside than on the outside, because it contained the whole universe.
Do you know that today when I ate fresh red raspberries, straight out of their container, I realized that I am rich?
Eating raspberries in late December is something King Henry VIII may have been able to do, but not a solidly middle class citizen of that time. My husband and I are watching the Tudors tv series so Henry VIII is royalty that comes to mind.
In some ways, we people living in 2009, live like kings and way beyond that of a royal lifestyle. Royalty hundreds of years ago could not imagine tv, or electric lights, or likely even raspberries in winter.
Sometimes when I exercise in a warm water pool I tell the other ladies in the water that we are like queens and princesses, buoyed up by healing waters at a nominal cost.
So I hope each of you dear readers enjoys some sweet winter berries and other tender gifts today.


  1. What a wonderful statement by C.S. Lewis. I love it.

    Yes, we are rich. If we would just step back for a moment or two, take a couple of deep breaths, and think about all of our blessings, we would realize the richness of our lives.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and a great new year.


  2. Rich is no way calculated by what we have more than Who's and who we are.

  3. What a nice post. Yes we are rich - we have many blessings to share.

    Wishing you and your family a blessed holiday and Merry Christmas.

  4. Merry Christmas Terra!
    What a great post - we are rich indeed, and need reminding of it at times!

  5. Stopping by to wish you and your family a blessed Christmas!

  6. Glad to 'find' you, Terra..these words are lovely...the true meaning of Christmas~which we sometimes forget. Thanks for visiting my blog :)
    Happy Holidays to you!

  7. so true.... we don't think of it often enough sometimes... ...

    Merry Christmas Terra

  8. you have a great perspective on things!! Merry Christmas to you!

  9. I agree - we would all see how rich we were if we just stood back and looked for it! We have so much. Sandie
