Monday, November 9, 2009

Coloring books to buy or make, Inexpensive gifts

Many kids love coloring books and these make fun gifts. Today in the store I saw packs of crayons, 64 gorgeous colors for under $6.00, and on sale for $3.00. You may find them on sale too; if you do, leave a comment here, please, to inspire other bargain hunters.

Coloring books cost from one dollar to five dollars, and you can find many subjects including trucks, cars, dinosaurs, fairies, Bible stories, famous people, Disney characters, and the all important horses subject. The horse and pony topic was very beloved by me as I rode horses at age 10 at the local riding stable. Hello dear Frosty and Sunset, my favorite horses from the stable.

To save lots of money and use your creativity do an online search of "make coloring books" and a whole world opens up. You choose the subjects and print the coloring pages.

National Geographic has a page of outlines you can print of all kinds of wild animals and other sites offer topics ranging from bugs to farms to Christmas and holidays.

The website offers lots of page for you to print, which you can assemble into unique coloring books tailored to your favorite kids and their interests.