Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cute baby bat photos and my article

To read my article on the good points of bats visit San Diego Family Magazine for October 2009
It is on pages 30-32 and click on zoom to make the text larger. I included 2 cute baby bat photos provided by Cindy Myers of the San Diego Wildlife Project Bat Team.
For the photo of the adorable red baby bat, click on the above link.
Bats can be very welcome additions to our gardens, parks and cities. They are important plant pollinators and eat huge amounts of insects, including mosquitoes and insects that damage crops and our gardens.
As experts I interviewed point out, do not pick up injured bats, but please do call wildlife animal rescue in your area.


  1. How adorable! I just love how unique this amazing creatures are!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  2. Glad you stopped by...any fan of Bretts is a friend of mine.....Ha

  3. I was thinking about having bats in my garden, but didn't make a proper research. How to make them stay here and don't leave as my ladybugs did? The article is very interesting!

  4. Hi friends,
    I am so happy I am not the only fan of bats!
    Tatyana, you ask a good question. Apparently bats are unpredictable about whether they will accept a bat house, and you can visit for info on bat houses, which you can buy or build.

  5. I "adopted" Bert the Bat from a bat sanctuary several years ago.

    This summer I had the opportunity to watch the bats leave from under the bridge in Austin. Wow!

  6. I love Bats but that baby is just the sweetest looking Bat ever. Sparkles

  7. Sparkles, yes I agree, the baby bat in this photo is so precious.
    On Halloween I will show the other photo of a closeup of a baby red bat. The baby red bat is very photogenic.
    Actually you can see the other photo now by clicking on the link in my post to my magazine article.
