Saturday, October 10, 2009

And the winner of When God Turned Off the Lights is ...

And, drum roll please, the winner of When God Turned Off the Lights, by Cecil Murphey, is
So Jen please contact me by Monday with your snail mail address. Contact me at thekilns at excite dot com
If I don't hear from you by Monday I will select another winner.
Thanks to all who entered and stay tuned for more book give aways here, including some Christian vampire themed books a publisher has offered to send us. I didn't know such a genre exists.
Actually I am a big fan of the Jim Butcher books which have an engaging wizard as the main character, and he does battle evil things like vampires. That's not a Christian series, though.
Happy reading all.


  1. Congrats to Jen. What a lovely gift.

    Have a warm snuggly weekend. TTFN ~Marydon

  2. Congratulations to Jen. I love to read about books. I tend to always choose the same authors when I go to the library and could miss some good ones if I don't keep my eyes open. Blessings

  3. Hello darling, I have missed you so much!!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and prayers. I am one lucky girl to have you as a friend; you truly are the gem in my teacup. I am now off to stroll around your blog to see what I have missed.

    I truly missed you luv
    Love & Hugs
