Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fun surprise about my book

Like me, do you love good surprises?
I had a grand surprise when I found that Monix from Devon England wrote about my book with enthusiastic words on her blog, and is giving away a copy of it.
Be sure and visit her fun blog at
Her post about my book "Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts" went up on Sept. 27, 2009.
Monix has blog topics for posts listed and I couldn't help myself, the Devon topic grabbed me (27 entries) and the Christmas topic. Under the subject of Devon I found her post with lots of photos about handsome old stone walls. My husband and I visited Devon years ago and completely enjoyed it.
Devon cream tea is the height of fabulousness as a treat, so be sure to enjoy it if you visit the area.


  1. What a great compliment you have received and what a great feeling it must give you! Congratulations and here is hoping that God will continue to bless others from your book!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  2. mmmmmmm...Devon cream tea sounds heavenly.

    Have a great day!

  3. Hi Terra,

    First, thanks for the comments you left on my blog--I answered you back over there, but I thought I'd stop by here, too. I'm glad I did; seems we have some things in common. Like you, I'm a reader of C.S. Lewis, and Miss Potter is also a favorite movie of mine. I'm new to the blogging world by just a few months, and what I find most enjoyable about it is meeting people who have the same points of connection, no matter where they're from. It reminds me of the great quote from the C.S. Lewis movie Shadowlands, "We read to know we're not alone."

  4. Thanks for the book suggestion. I think I have seen it in my local library, and I'll pick it up next time I'm there. I so agree with you about wanting to visit the Kilns and the Eagle and Child pub. My eldest son studied at Oxford for a time and was able to visit both. So I was able to experience them vicariously at least.

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