Monday, August 31, 2009

Garden created in honor of my dad

I share with you this photo I took on my visit in August to Wisconsin.
The photo shows a gorgeous garden on a golf course, created in memory of my dad.
Notice that the bluebird house has a perch which is part of a golf club. I love that touch, since my dad enjoyed golf, birdwatching and gardening.
I am sure my dad is smiling down from heaven as he sees the pleasure people receive from experiencing the flowers and bluebirds.


  1. Beautiful gardens: what a lovely way to honor your Dad. I enjoyed the golfing touch; my Dad is also a Golf lover.

  2. Hi Terra, the garden looks beautiful. I clicked on the picture to see the details. What a great way to honour your Dad. The perch is unique.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog...I'm so happy to 'meet' you. Kindred spirits? Must be! When I thought of a blog name I thought the play on words was a clever idea:) But it was only later I realized it's a much-used name. Even an architectural firm in India is named so:(
    Ah well, if you love soil...the goodness of Mother Earth, Terra is a good name! I'll be back...happy gardening!

  3. It is a lovely garden, full of life. Your father must have been quite a man to have merited such a tribute. I saw your question on Terra Farmer's site about edible garnishes and had to laugh. I've often been tempted to eat garnishes but thought maybe it was taboo or something.

  4. I love this garden and especially the way the golf club is uses. My husband lives to golf it seems some days!

  5. Terra, I believe that our parents live as long as they are remembered. My Dad said to me when I saw him for the last time, in 1999: If something happens, you know that I am always with you! "Something" happened in 2003.Since then, I really feel that he is somewhere close to me. Your Dad is remembered by many. This beautiful garden proves it. The plants, especially on the enlarged picture, are wonderful. Simple, lovely, charming.

  6. What a beautiful way to remember him. I tell my husband and my sister, I'd love for someone to plant a tree for me. Hope that's not too weird. Thanks for visiting my blog and congratulations on your book!
    ~ Wendy
