Thursday, May 21, 2009

Donkey Sanctuary

Late Winter Donkey
Originally uploaded by pmarkham

On an artist's blog I found out about a sanctuary for donkeys, miniature horses, a pig or two, a rescued dog and more.
The sanctuary blog is
The photos are so nice, and each animal has a history and is a success story in being rescued.
There is an auction going on at the blog to raise money.


  1. Hi Terra....

    thanks so much for visiting my blog and,..hey! thanks from my little buddy Sheaffer too.... that's great for you to post the info.....every little bit helps. It may prompt a couple of folks to help out.

    I always think even if we can only give a bit..if there are lots of soon adds up...

    off to check out the rest of your blog....

  2. Terra, did you check your email today? Did you get the early one from me about SOCF news. Hadn't heard from you and was just wondering....
