Monday, April 27, 2009

Kissing Trees and Arbor Day

"Kissing Trees"
Originally uploaded by MaestroBen

I found this photo of Kissing Trees on flickr, and it was appropriately taken in Nebraska, where the first Arbor Day was celebrated in 1872.
The official U.S. Arbor Day is the last Friday in April, with many states celebrating it on different dates.
Tree planting days are now world wide, thank goodness, with Uganda having a tree day on March 24 and Venzuela on the last Sunday in May, among many countries with tree planting days.
So go ahead and plant a tree soon, no matter the day.
In 2001 the oak was chosen as the official National Tree, so feel free to plant an oak or any trees you favor.

1 comment:

  1. Good mornimg Sunshine, I enjoyed the "kissing trees". Sparkles
