Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day and a Cool Meme

I searched flickr with my name, and found this gorgeous photo of Cinque Terra, Italy. It reminds me of several fishing villages I have visited, including the boats in Bebek, a suburb of Istanbul, where I attended college.
I read about this fun meme at Victoria and Kim's blog at
and they read about it at Garden Reflections blog.
To participate simply add "is" to your own first name, as in "Elizabeth is" and google this, and post the first five results in your blog.
I found by googling "Terra is":
Terra is helping scientists unravel the mysteries of climate and environmental change. (Any chance I can get a Nobel Prize for this? Or just the cash would be nice).
Battle for Terra
Terra is a collaborative indie filmspace
A half-human, half Esper, Terra is ... (main character in Final Fantasy VI). Wow, half-Esper, I must investigate this, since my family geneology has left this out. I hope Espers are noble folks.
Welcome to Terra, Malibu's finest homegrown restaurant
Hey, tell us what you find when you search your name plus "is".


  1. Half Esper, huh? Interesting....
    We've been to Cinque Terra in Italy. Great place. Wish we could afford to make another visit.

  2. I knew you were part Esper- that really fits! What a fun game: Terry is: the first and last name in women's cycling, Terry Bradshaw, 2009 Terry Gallery and apparel privacy and security, The most interesting: Terry is; a name that means "ruler of the people' Ha Ha Ha. Sparkles

  3. Small world, that you have visited Cinque Terra, and that I selected that photo for my meme post that you suggested.
    Maybe you will be able to visit Cinque Terra again soon.
    My husband and I visited Rome and Florence but not Cinque Terra.
