Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sweet peas and Saint Patrick's Day are heading this way

sweet peas
Originally uploaded by jpc101

When dear St. Patrick's Day arrives soon, on March 17, be sure and have some sweet pea seeds on hand to plant
According to lore of this day, Sweet Peas planted in the dark hours on the evening before St. Patrick's Day grow more vigorously and produce more flowers than seeds planted any other time.
The results of my last year's experiment are not conclusive, but I am undeterred and want to try again this year.
Happy gardening to you all.

For more information on the fun of planting the evening before St. Patrick's Day and my favorite varieties to plant, see my article at http://www.positivelyfeminine.org, under creatively feminine, in March 2008.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Thank you for visiting us! We didn't know about this rule about Sweet Peas, but will make sure our mom follows it. Purrs, Siena & Chilli
