Friday, December 26, 2008

Volunteer Sunflower and Me on Christmas Day

Hi Friends,
I love this sunflower so much that I asked my dh to take this photo on Christmas Day.

We have been watching this sturdy plant which was not planted by us, and is a true volunteer. It pushed up through the soil on about November 1, maybe thanks to some dear bird gardener. No one in their right mind would plant a sunflower seed here in November. It even survived some very cold frosty nights, when I had to scrape frost from my car's windows in the morning.

What a gallant flower friend, and for me, a symbol of God's caring and hope for the future.


  1. i really have always liked sunflowers.

    this one is very special.

  2. Amazing! Maybe a lil bird will plant one our way!

  3. You and the sunflower look positively sunny! What magic God weaves into our lives. Thanks for the great pix. Merry Christmas. Sparkles
