Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Peruvian lily, Inca lily

Peruvian lily
Originally uploaded by Nemo's great uncle
A co-worker has long been tantalizing me with the bouquets she brings to work, of Peruvian lilies or Alstroemeria. The bouquets last all week, and gardeners tell me that these plants bloom and bloom and bloom.

Last weekend I treated myself and bought a one gallon Peruvian lily, called Susana, loaded with blooms, for $12.99. The main color of Susana is white/cream with markings of pale rose.
Peruvian lilies grow from tubers, in sun or part shade, and my available areas are mainly part shade, so I knew I had to meet this plant. I planted it in a gopher cage, in front of the bird bath, and where I can see it from my kitchen.

Peruvian lilies are hardy to zone 7, if mulched to zone 6, and in colder areas can be overwintered dry in peat if kept in a dark, cool place like a garage.

I look forward to many years of enjoying these flowers in my garden, and of sharing them in bouquets. I am already looking for another Peruvian lily plant, in a purple or yellow tone, to add to my garden.

This is the first time I have planted this lily.
Is there a flower new to you that you have planted recently?
Other gardeners, and ME, would love to hear about your new finds.


  1. Hey, Terra! Thought I'd hop over from CW and take a look. I like what I see. And alstroemerias are one of my favorites. Beautiful photo! Nice blog! Be blessed...Lynn Mosher

  2. I think this lily is one of the most beautiful. I did a post in May that discussed what I think makes it particularly special. It comes back reliably for me every spring even in the steamy Florida climate.

  3. Terra the Peruvian Lily never made in my garden but perhaps I'll give it another try. Sparkles
