Sunday, July 27, 2008

Green Beans and Dilly Beans Recipe

Fall beans
Originally uploaded by farmerjulie
This photo is not of my beans, but don't they look scrumptious?
Here it is July 26, my friend gave me a packet of bean seeds (Tendergreen, Green Bush) and I bought a packet (Garden Bean, Brittle Wax) and planted them.
Her gift of seeds inspired me to plant something different, for me, at this time of year. It is an experiment and since green beans take 52 days to harvest time, maybe I will have beans on September 28.
Does everyone make Dilly Beans?
Steam beans till tender and not overcooked; toss with yogurt or sour cream, garlic powder, dill, salt and pepper.
Dilly carrots uses the same yogurt sauce; we always use yogurt since it is more lowfat than the more traditional sour cream.
Either way yum.

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