Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Christmas Book's Website

Oh happy happy, joy joy.
Please bear with me folks, since this is my first book I am celebrating this journey to publication.
I wrote the book "Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts: Stories To Warm Your Heart and Tips To Simplify Your Holiday" with 5 writer friends, and it will be published in September 2008 by Leafwood Publishers.
Today the publishers have created our book's website, and it is full of fun and useful things, including free recipes from us, right there.
My Spanish steak recipe, Leslie's Taco soup, Brenda's Scalloped corn and scads more.
Check it out please.
Suggestions for the website are appreciated it, as we will add more to it, even Christmas music.


  1. Terra this looks like such a wonderful holiday book. I have it at the top of my list and I'm eagerly awaiting the September release!
    I'm off to check out the book's web-site.

  2. Hi Christyjan,
    Thank you for your cheering words. Writers can be kind of insecure, so I appreciate your encouragement :)

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    How wonderful for me to visit here for the first time and get to congratulate you on the publishing of your first book!!!!
    That is SOooo exciting!!

  4. Congratulations Terra. What a marvelous book for the holiday season... to see the beautiful cover and a website. Get ready Oprah for a new bestseller! Sparkles

  5. Congratulations! What an achievement!! I will certainly go to the website and check it out. I LOVE Christmas!


  6. Have visited your book's website; it's very nice. Congratulations Terra!
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. What a nice book. I just took a look at your web site introducing the book and it's really nice. I wonder how the book got started and what prompted you all to write it? I am active in our church's Christmas outreach and we are always looking for new materials to share. Your book looks like something very good for the Christian homes that are so in need of good Christ centered planning. Thanks, again!

  8. Hello,
    Thank you for stopping by my place and for your thoughtful comments.
    I am delighted to discover your blog and find the news of your upcoming book just great. I have just visited your book's website. It beautiful and well organized.
    It will be a joy discovering more and spreading the word.

  9. Hi Terra, I finally made it back here. I was just browsing through your book info and the other author's blogs. I haven't checked through all your archives, but I wondered if you have posted about how your book came to the five of you got together on this. I'm off to read some more!

  10. Hi Deborah and All,
    Thanks for suggesting that I write a bit about how we six writers became friends and wrote our book together.
    I will post about it soon, and I would like us to write a book about our journey together.
    Three of us live in Ohio, two in Texas and me in California. We met in an online Christian writers group, in 2004.
    We have varied writing passions including parenting, gardening, devotionals, humor, and general topics too.
