Thursday, May 8, 2008

joi choi

joi choi
Originally uploaded by Zoe52
In early spring I planted Joi Choi and Japanese Red Mustard; and six weeks later the leaves are huge and healthy, and their strong flavor repells the snails.
Joi Choi must be in the Bok Choi family.

My husband creates a delicious dish with these wonderful leaves. Pick a lot because they cook down. In a skillet heat olive oil, chopped garlic, Joi Choi, Japanese Red Mustard, and if you have them, add in red cabbage and onion.
Cook a few minutes on the stovetop.
They have a strong edgy flavor, and are yummy as a side dish with steak and potatoes or anything else you want.


  1. Terra that sure sounds like a yummy dish. I will have to give it a try. Happy Mother's Day. Sparkles

  2. No way! I too planted Joi Choi this spring!

    I'll be back to look around your blog some more. Very nice!!

  3. Hi Becky,
    How fun that you planted Joi Choi too. I had to buy it when I saw the name. We all want joy in our gardens.

  4. Hi Terra, it's me again.

    I love how you said, "We all want joy in our gardens"! So true.

    I bought my Joi Choi at the
    Master Gardeners and the Grade School Kids-plant sale!

    Keep having fun!

  5. I've never heard of this before. It sounds delicious - and easy to make!
