Sunday, March 16, 2008


Day 191: Dandelions
Originally uploaded by amanky
Here is a fun photo for dandelion lovers everywhere; and especially for Jodi, who commented that she is eagerly awaiting her first dandy lions of the season.


  1. E unum pluribus is what occurs to me... "Out of One, Many." And I did my share of dandelion sowing, as a child. And how is it that mothers, presented with a bouquet of these sticky-stemmed beauties, act as though they'd just been presented with a dozen roses? ... Deb
    (sweet picture)

  2. Oh, Terra, thank you! Dreams of warmer weather with dandelion fluff...
    You asked about Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. All you do is post whatever's blooming in your garden (indoors or out) on the fifteenth of each month, and leave a note at Carol's Maydreams Garden ( to let her know, as she's the one who started the meme. It's been going on for over a year now and very popular, and she loves seeing new people join the fun.
