Saturday, February 23, 2008

The winner of Rattled is

February 23, 2008
Winners are …
Hi folks.
This is the first book blog tour I’ve done, plus I know how much readers will enjoy reading Rattled, so I am doubly excited to announce the two winners of the free copies (donated by Trish Berg and Multnomah Books):
Brenda K. and Blissful.
Please send your snail mail address to me at thekilns at (use the @ symbol, not the word “at”).
Cyber hugs to All.


  1. Great blog! Sounds like Rattled is a book I would have enjoyed many years ago, now! I learned the hard way! Syl

  2. Thanks Sylvia.
    Your mystery books sound intriguing. I do love reading mysteries, from Peter Robinson to Elisabeth Peters, Martha Grimes, Laurie King, Dorothy Sayers and more.
    I would have enjoyed Trish's book years ago too.
