Monday, February 11, 2008

Carbon Fast For Lent

The Church of England leaders are suggesting that people have a carbon fast, rather than a chocolate fast this year, for Lent.
The link below has a 40 day action plan that is easy to implement.
The first idea is to remove a light bulb for all 40 days, and on the 40th day, replace it with an energy efficient bub.
One thing that I already do is to carry canvas grocery bags with me! Another is to unplug battery chargers when you are not actually using them, since they drain electricity all the time when plugged in.
Let's be kind to our planet!


  1. What do I do for the environment? Oh, let me count the ways: I wash clothes in cold water, I hang my laundry outside to dry, weather permitting, I use fluorescent bulbs, I compost, I recycle,I garden organically,I plant trees (lots of them), I don't buy many prepackaged foods, etc, etc, etc.

  2. Well written article.
